§ 2-775. Dismissals.  

Latest version.
  • All county employees are employee at-will. Any employee may be dismissed for no cause. Automatic dismissals may also be made for cause including, but not limited to, employee actions or behavior that constitutes:

    • Insubordination (refusal to follow supervisor's instructions);

    • Endangering the employee's health or safety or the health or safety of other employees or citizens;

    • Making fraudulent statements on employee applications or job records;

    • Absence from work without authorization or notification;

    • Theft, vandalism, or willful destruction of county or employee property;

    • Any violation of the county alcohol and drug policy;

    • Falsifying a time and attendance record;

    • Improper or unsafe operation of county vehicle as specified in the county vehicle policy; and

    • Any other infraction when dismissal is determined to be in the best interest of the county.

    If the progressive discipline process is followed, dismissals that follow the progressive discipline process are permitted for reasons that include, but are not limited to:

    • Misconduct;

    • Willful neglect of duties;

    • Failure to perform job duties;

    • Repeated tardiness or absence;

    • Violation of departmental rules;

    • Email abuse; and

    • Internet abuse.

    Any employee who receives three documented warnings in a 12-month period is subject to dismissal as is the employee who receives repeated disciplinary actions for any reason.

    The county is under no obligation to follow these steps in sequence or even to follow them at all. The county reserves the right to terminate anyone's employment immediately without warning.

(Ord. No. O-16-8-101 , § 1(Exh. A), 9-26-16)