§ 4.94. Requirements for sports playing fields.  

Latest version.
  • The following property standards shall apply when considering a sports playing field as a use permitted on review.

    4.94.01. Minimum requirements.


    Multiple play fields shall be arranged in an orderly manner, where possible, and adequate spacing shall be provided between fields so as to avoid conflicts or dangerous conditions during simultaneous activities. Other arrangements may be approved where topographical constraints are evident.


    Main buildings or accessory structures must be directly associated with the primary use and must conform to the criteria set forth in this resolution. Concessions may be permitted in a nonprofit status in zones where commercial uses are not permitted and may provide service only during scheduled events.


    A peripheral boundary of not less than fifty (50) feet is required for sports playing fields, equipment, off street parking, and accessory structures when the site abuts a residential zone or a zone permitting residential uses. The periphery is to be left as a natural buffer or landscaping may be required to provide a buffer. The planning commission may reduce this setback but not to less than that required of the zoning district.


    Off-street parking requirements shall be determined by the planning commission during the use-on-review process.


    The total lot area of the development shall not be less than that required to conform to criteria as set forth in this resolution.


    The site shall have suitable access to a street or roadway so that no significant hazard to the public safety is created nor harm to adjacent residential areas is a result.


    Where sports playing fields are already established in the county, plans for expansion or improvements to any structures or open areas intended for use as, or associated with, a sports playing field shall be submitted to the planning commission for approval. Open areas where field sports may occur in an unorganized or impromptu manner, where no new improvements are necessary for these activities to occur, are exempt from these provisions.

(Ord. No. O-98-12-102, § 1(Exh. A), 1-25-99; Ord. No. O-12-9-102, § 1(Exh. A), 10-22-12)