§ 4.93. Standards for self-service storage facilities.  

Latest version.
  • In addition to the requirements set forth in article 5, "Zone regulations," of the zoning ordinance for the county, the following regulations shall apply to self-service storage facilities:

    4.93.01. Standards for use-on-review approval of outdoor self-service storage facilities.


    Access to the site shall be from a street identified as a major collector or arterial on the Major Road Plan for Knoxville and Knox County, Tennessee.


    Off-street parking, access and driveways must be provided as regulated in article 3, "General provisions." In addition, a minimum twenty-six (26) foot parking/driveway lane shall be provided adjacent to all buildings when the buildings open only to one side of the lane and a minimum thirty (30) foot lane when the buildings open to both sides of the lane. All parking/driveway lanes shall be paved.


    Maximum size for each individual storage unit shall be six hundred (600) square feet.


    Total lot area shall be not less than two (2) acres.


    All outdoor lights shall be shielded to direct light and glare only onto the self-service storage premises and may be of sufficient intensity to discourage vandalism and theft. Said lighting and glare shall be deflected, shaded, and focused away from all adjoining property.


    A minimum six-foot high opaque fence shall be provided and set back a minimum five (5) feet from any side or rear property line when the self-service storage facility site abuts a residential zone. The area between the property line and the opaque fence shall be landscaped with evergreen and/or deciduous plant material and suitable ground cover, such as grass, bark, ornamental gravel, or a combination thereof. In addition, in all cases landscaping shall be placed in the required front yard of the self-service storage facility.


    Any proposed outdoor storage areas shall be shown on a site plan for the facility. Outside storage of any materials will be governed by the specific requirements of the zone in which the facility is located. In no case shall parking areas or driveways be used for storage.


    The following uses shall be prohibited on a self-service storage facility site:


    The operation of power tools, spray painting equipment, table saws, lathes, compressors, welding equipment, kilns or other similar equipment, except for purposes of construction and repair of the self-service storage facility.


    Any use that is noxious or offensive because of odors, dust, fumes, or vibrations.


    The storage of hazardous materials.

    4.93.02. Standards for the use-on-review approval of self-service storage facilities in the CN zoning district.


    The total area developed for the self-service storage facility shall not exceed five (5) acres.


    The footprint of any individual structure shall not exceed five thousand (5,000) SF.


    No outdoor storage shall be permitted.


    Narrow end of structures must be oriented to the adjacent public street/road. If topography or other site constraints prevent this orientation, the buildings not so oriented shall be screened from the public street/road with a vegetated buffer as described in H below.


    Street facing facade must be masonry, wood, or other high-quality material (no vinyl or metal).


    Storage buildings shall be located behind other structure(s) or setback a minimum of sixty (60) feet from the right-of-way of any public street or road.


    All site lighting shall be full cut-off fixtures.


    Structures shall be buffered from residentially zoned property with a vegetated buffer with a minimum width of fifteen (15) feet planted with a mix of deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs (three (3) large maturing evergreen trees (minimum height at planting — 6 feet), two (2) large maturing deciduous trees (minimum 2 inch caliper at planting), two (2) small maturing trees (deciduous or evergreen, minimum 1 ½ inch caliper at planting), and ten (10) shrubs per 100 linear feet). Existing vegetation may be used to provide a portion or all of the required buffer planting.


    Use of chain link and barbed/razor wire fencing adjacent to residentially zoned property shall be prohibited unless such fencing is screened by vegetation as described in subsection 4.93.02.H above.


    No sales shall be permitted on site other than of incidental items, such as storage boxes and locks for storage units.


    The portion(s) of the business open/accessible to the general public shall be closed between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Storage units may be accessible to their renters at any time.

    4.93.03. Standards for the use-on-review approval of indoor self-service storage facilities in the CA Commercial General, CB General Business, CR Rural Commercial, and LI Light Industrial zoning districts:


    Access to the site shall be from a street identified as a major collector or arterial on the Major Road Plan for Knoxville and Knox County, Tennessee.


    Off-street parking, access, and driveways must be provided as regulated in Article 3. General provisions. In addition, a minimum twenty-six (26) foot parking/driveway lane shall be provided adjacent to all sides of buildings that have entrances for loading and unloading stored items. All parking/driveway lanes shall be paved.


    Total lot area shall be not less than one (1) acre.


    All outdoor lights shall be full cut-off and shall be shielded and located to direct light and glare only onto the storage premises and may be of sufficient intensity to discourage vandalism and theft. Said lighting and glare shall be deflected, shaded, and focused away from all adjoining property.


    When the storage facility property abuts a residential zoning district, a landscaped buffer with a minimum width of twenty (20) feet shall be provided between the proposed development, including buildings, parking areas, and access drives, and the abutting residentially zoned property. This landscaped buffer shall be planted with a minimum of:

    • One (1) shrub per three (3) linear feet,

    • One (1) evergreen tree per twenty (20) linear feet, and

    • One (1) shade tree per thirty (30) linear feet.

    Sixty percent (60%) of the landscape area outside of shrub and tree masses must be planted in live groundcover, perennials, or ornamental grasses. Stone, mulch, or other permeable landscape materials may be used for the remaining area. Where the buffer yard incorporates a wall, solid fence (minimum height 6'), or berm, or a combination of these, the buffer yard width may be reduced to twelve (12) feet.


    The development, including buildings and parking areas, shall be separated from the street or road by a planting strip located adjacent to the street or road. The planting strip shall have a minimum width of six (6) feet, unless otherwise required by this ordinance, measured from the edge of the street/road right-of-way or, if there is no right-of-way, from the edge of the pavement. The planting strip shall be planted with one tree per thirty (30) feet of street frontage. Access drives and utility crossings may cross the planting strip, but should do so at a perpendicular. Trees may be clustered but a minimum separation of fifteen (15) feet should be maintained between trees.


    All self-service storage activities must be contained within a building and must be conducted exclusively indoors. Individual storage units shall be accessed only from inside a building.


    Use of chain link and barbed/razor wire fencing adjacent to residentially zoned property shall be prohibited unless such fencing is screened by vegetation as described in subsection 4.93.03.E above.


    No sales shall be permitted on site other than of incidental items, such as storage boxes and locks for storage units.


    Buildings shall incorporate architectural details to break up the massing and to avoid the appearance of a blank façade. The architectural details may include, among others, a distinctive change in colors and materials, offsets with a minimum depth of three (3) feet, and canopies/awnings. The first floor street facing façade of buildings shall have a minimum transparency of ten percent (10%).


    Building materials and visual elements used on the primary building façade must continue on all building façades that are visible from the public right-of-way.

(Ord. No. O-98-10-102, § 1(Exh. A), 11-16-98; Ord. No. O-12-9-102, § 1(Exh. A), 10-22-12; Ord. No. O-18-10-102, § 1(Exh. A), 11-19-18 )