§ 6-44. Animal care and manner of keeping.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Except for emergencies or circumstances beyond the owner's control, it shall be unlawful for any person keeping an animal to fail to provide it with the minimum care sufficient to preserve the health and well-being of the animal considering the species, breed and type of animal. Minimum care includes but is not limited to, the following requirements:


    Clean, sanitary and humane conditions;


    Food of sufficient quantity, quality and nutrition to allow for normal growth or maintenance of body weight;


    Open or adequate access to potable water in sufficient quantity to satisfy the animal's needs. Snow or ice is not an adequate water source;


    Proper air ventilation and circulation;


    Access to a well-constructed shelter, barn, doghouse, or other shelter sufficient to protect the animal from the elements, environment and extreme weather conditions. Such shelter must be placed in a dry area free of debris, feces, and standing water. It must have at least three sides and a weatherproof roof; have a solid level floor raised at least two inches from the ground and be adequately ventilated; it must provide shelter from wind, rain, sun, extreme weather conditions and the elements at all times;


    Medical attention and/or necessary veterinary care when it is sick, diseased or injured; and


    Annual inoculations, as recommended by a veterinarian, against diseases infectious to humans or animals.


    It shall be unlawful for any person to tease or molest any animal.


    It shall be unlawful to keep an animal in a vehicle or other type of conveyance without adequate ventilation and/or enclosing any animal in the trunk of a vehicle.


    Violations of this section shall constitute a civil violation subject to fines and enforcement as set out in section 6-47, Knox County Code of Ordinances.


    This section does not replace the criminal offense part of T.C.A. § 39-14-202, pertaining to cruelty to animals.

(Ord. No. O-96-5-101, § 1(18), 6-24-96; Ord. No. O-15-4-101 , § 5, 5-26-15)