§ 2-837. Computer and network acceptable use policy.  

Latest version.
  • This policy applies to all county employees. Computers, smartphones, tablets and related peripherals and software provided by the county are county property, and are provided for the use of county employees for conducting county business. Included items include, but are not limited to, hardware, software, computer files, and documents. The county has the right, but not the duty, to monitor any and all of its computers, smartphones, and tablets, including but not limited to: monitoring employees' Internet usage; reviewing material downloaded or uploaded by employees; reviewing electronic mail (email) sent or received by employees; and monitoring the content of stored files on computers.


    Waiver of privacy. Employees have no expectation of privacy in email messages, data accessed through the Internet, or any other data or information created or stored on county computers, nor does the use of passwords by employees create any privacy rights in this information. The county may access, monitor, or reproduce these messages and data, without the consent of employees, when it is deemed necessary at the sole discretion of the county. Excepting personal and non-work related passwords, all passwords must be provided to the department director or the information services department upon request. The use of undisclosed passwords is prohibited. This policy does not apply to confidential information relating to criminal investigations or information otherwise protected by law.


    Prohibited uses. Sending, displaying, disseminating, or storing inappropriate, illegal, or sexually explicit material is prohibited unless the employee can demonstrate a legitimate county interest in such conduct (i.e., criminal investigations, etc.). "Sexually explicit material" means any printed or written material, or any audio, film, or video recording, or any pictorial representation or graphic depiction, produced in any medium, which depicts or describes nudity, including sexual or excretory activities or organs, in a manner which is lewd and intended to elicit a sexual response.

    No county employee shall use county computers, smartphones and tablets in a manner that is disruptive or offensive to others, or in any violation of any provision of the county's personnel policy. County computers shall not be used for: disclosing proprietary internal information; attempts to inappropriately access computer, smartphone and tablet systems or circumvent security (including, but not limited to, "hacking" activities); any type of harassment; downloading or disseminating copyrighted materials; or downloading or disseminating illegal materials. The county's computers shall not be used for sending or creating unsolicited bulk email ("spam"). Other prohibited uses include, but are not limited to, download or dissemination of any material containing ethnic slurs, racial comments, or any other material that may be construed as sexual, racial, or other harassment, or the showing of disrespect for others.

    Sharing of passwords with others, or the use of other employees' passwords is prohibited. Falsely identifying one's self in any form, including "IP address spoofing" is prohibited. Employees will log out of unattended computers, smartphones and tablets and will do everything in their power to prevent unauthorized use of county computers. Any observed violations shall be immediately reported to the employee's supervisor and/or the director of information services.

    No software or hardware may be installed or downloaded on county computers, smartphones and tablets without the written permission of the director of information services.

    No computer, smartphone or tablet may be installed on the county's network except by information services personnel, or with the written permission of the director of information services. No IP addresses may be assigned on the county's network except by information services personnel.

    Use of "sniffer" type network monitors or software, except by information services, is prohibited. The use of any network eavesdropping equipment or software is prohibited unless authorized in writing by the director of information services.

    Playing computer games on county computers is prohibited.

    Intentional creation or spreading of computer viruses is prohibited. Any activity that intentionally disrupts computer or network services in any way is prohibited.

    The email system should not be used to solicit or to conduct personal business ventures.


    Compliance with applicable laws and licenses. Employees must comply with all software licenses, copyrights, and all other local, state, and federal laws governing intellectual property and online activity.


    Violations and disciplinary action. Employees who violate this policy shall be subject to legal and/or disciplinary actions, up to and including termination of employment and/or criminal prosecution. Computers that have been used to violate this policy may be disconnected from the network until such violations are remedied. Employees should immediately notify their immediate supervisor or department director upon learning of any violations of this policy.

(Ord. No. O-16-8-101 , § 1(Exh. A), 9-26-16)