§ 27-7. Animals in county parks.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Leash requirement. All animals must be on a leash not exceeding six feet in length and in the custody of a competent person while on county park property.


    Prohibited animals. The following animals are not permitted in county parks:




    Wild or exotic animals privately owned;


    Where a county park sign prohibits all animals privately owned; and


    Any animal behaving in a dangerous or potentially dangerous manner or any dog that has been classified as dangerous.


    No animals allowed in designated county parks. No privately owned animals will be permitted in county parks that have a designated sign posted to that effect. This restriction will be designated in certain parks that have a high volume of participants and inadequate areas for animals.


    Responsibility for animal waste. The owner or person having custody of an animal must remove from the county park all waste generated by such animal.


    Off-leash dog parks. Dog owners shall be responsible and liable for the control and behavior dogs while using designated off-leash dog parks.

(Ord. No. O-10-4-102, § 1, 5-24-10)