§ 14-32. General powers.  

Latest version.
  • The Authority shall have all powers necessary to accomplish the purpose of this article (excluding the power to levy and collect taxes and special assessments), including, but not limited to, the following:


    To have perpetual succession, to sue and be sued, and to adopt a corporate seal.


    To acquire, construct, purchase, operate, maintain, replace, repair, rebuild, extend, and improve, within the boundaries of the Tennessee Technology Corridor delineated elsewhere in this article, all facilities, equipment, and appurtenances necessary or convenient to the promotion, expansion, retention, nurture, and support of high-technology-oriented economic development, and to charge for their use and for any and all services performed by the Authority, provided however, that the Authority shall have no power or control over land or facilities under control of any public utility created by general or special acts; provided, however, all construction proposed by the Authority to be undertaken, in whole or in part, with state funds shall be submitted to the state building commission for review and no such construction shall be undertaken by the Authority without the advance approval of such commission.


    To accept donations to the Authority of cash, lands, or other property to be used in the furtherance of the purposes of this article, and to accept grants, loans, or other financial assistance from any federal, state, or local government or other sources, or in aid of the acquisition or improvement of any of the facilities described herein, provided, however, that the acceptance of federal or state assistance does not preempt grant monies otherwise available to the county.


    To purchase, rent, lease or otherwise acquire and to sell, transfer, manage, or otherwise dispose of any and all kinds of property, real, personal, or mixed, tangible or intangible, and whether or not subject to mortgages, liens, charges, or other encumbrances which, in the judgment of the Authority's commissioners, is necessary or convenient to carry out the powers herein granted. The authority herein to acquire property shall include the acquisition of lands within the technology corridor which are suitable for or deemed necessary by the Authority pursuant to its purposes for use by or support of high technology businesses and industries, provided, however, such acquisition shall be made upon approval of the governing body, which may impose in-lieu-of tax payment on the Authority, until ad valorem taxes shall be levied.


    To make contracts and execute instruments containing such covenants, terms and conditions as in the judgment of the board of commissioners may be necessary, proper, or advisable for the purpose of carrying out its functions, including, but not limited to, agreements for obtaining grants, loans, or other financial assistance from federal, state or local governments or agencies thereof or other sources for the accomplishment of the purposes of this article and the acquisition or improvement of facilities as herein provided; and to make contracts and execute such instruments including, without limitation, licenses, long or short term leases, mortgages, and deeds of trust, and other agreements relating to property and facilities under its jurisdiction, and the construction, operation, maintenance, repair and improvement thereof, as in the judgment of the board of commissioners may be necessary, proper or advisable for the furtherance of the purposes of this article.


    To establish schedules of fees, rates, charges, and rentals for the use of the facilities under its jurisdiction, and for services which it may render.


    To enter upon any lands, waters, and premises for the purpose of making surveys, inspections, and evaluations in connection with the acquisition, improvement, operation, or maintenance of any of the facilities herein provided, or for the effective performance of its duties performed in accordance with subsection (10) of this section.


    To promulgate and enforce such rules and regulations as the board of commissioners may deem proper for the orderly administration of the Authority and the efficient operation of its facilities.


    To adopt and oversee implementation of a comprehensive development plan comprised of land use, public facilities, and capital improvement plans for the entire high technology overlay zone in cooperation with local planning bodies for the purpose of developing a systematic land management policy and guidance for any person in the development process.


    To serve as a review board for the purpose of accepting, considering, approving or denying applications for certificates of appropriateness as defined herein, prior to action on requests for rezoning or variance from the provisions of the zoning regulations in effect within the high technology overlay zone, and prior to action on applications for building or grading permits within the high technology overlay zone by any person authorized to issue such permits for the county or any municipality in order to ensure that development within the zone is consistent with the policies and plans of the Authority; and to administer and enforce such developmental standards, regulations and related rules and procedures as the board of commissioners may adopt from time to time for the review and consideration of applications for such certificates, provided, however, that such standards, regulations and rules and procedures are first approved by the governing body of the county.


    To employ and fix the compensation of an executive director and such staff as the board of commissioners deems necessary, who shall serve in the employment of the Authority at the will and pleasure of the board of commissioners; and to employ, contract with and fix compensation for such architects, attorneys, accountants, planners, engineers, consultants and other professionals as may be necessary for the efficient operation of the Authority, and the operation of facilities under its control.


    To do all acts and things necessary or deemed necessary or convenient to carry out the powers expressly given in this article.

(Priv. Acts 1983, ch. 148, § 7; Ord. No. O-90-9-114, § 7, 9-10-90)