§ 5.60. LI Light Industrial Zone.  

Latest version.
  • 5.60.01. General description. The intent of this zone is to provide areas in which the principal use of land is for processing, storage, packaging, wholesaling, distribution, light manufacturing, and restricted retailing. In order to achieve compatibility in transition of property in the same or neighboring zones, performance standards are applied at lot lines. Landscaping and buffering requirements are intended to augment the transition of this zone with neighboring residential areas.

    5.60.02. Uses permitted. The following uses may be permitted in the LI, Light Industrial Zone, providing they can meet the performance standards set forth in section 4.10, "Supplementary regulations applying to a specific, to several, or to all zones."

    The primary operation of all uses permitted in this zone, except nurseries, shall be conducted within a completely enclosed building.

    Any article or material used in the primary operation, or the finished product of any operation permitted in this zone may be stored outside provided such outside storage is screened from view from any public right-of-way. Such screening shall be located at or inside any required setbacks.


    Warehousing, provided all materials are stored indoors.


    Manufacturing of products from previously prepared paper, metal, plastic, leather, wood, cloth, grains, food products, glass and similar products.


    Retail sales, provided that sales of products not produced on the site shall be indoors.


    Processing of food products from previously slaughtered and dressed animals, fowl, and fish; or dairy products.


    Assembling or packaging of any products which can be manufactured on the site.


    Repair of any product which can be manufactured under the provisions of this zone.


    Wholesaling, provided all materials are stored indoors.


    Accessory buildings incidental to permitted uses and including residences for security personnel.


    Demolition landfills less than one (1) acre in size subject to article 4, "Supplementary regulations," subsection 4.80.01.A, "Demolition landfills" (on site generated waste).


    Yard sales and rummage sales.


    Wireless communications facilities, subject to the provisions of article 4, section 4.92.


    Self-service storage facilities.


    Commercial mulching operation, subject to the requirements of article 4, "Supplementary regulations," section 4.96, "Standards for the use-on-review approval of commercial mulching operations."


    Storage of school buses under contract to a public or private school system. See article 3, "General provisions," section 3.54, "Storage of school buses," for development criteria for school bus storage facilities.


    Contractor's storage yard.

    5.60.03. Uses permitted on review.


    Sanitary landfill subject to meeting all requirements set forth in sections 4.70, "Sanitary landfills," and 6.50, "Procedure for authorizing uses permitted on review" of these regulations.


    Demolition landfills, off-site, subject to article 4, "Supplementary regulations", subsection 4.80.01.B, "Demolition landfills," (off-site generated waste).


    Child day care centers, provided they meet the requirements of section 4.91, "Requirements for child day care centers and group day care homes, when considered as uses permitted on review."


    Composting facility, consistent with the requirements of subsections 4.10.14 through 4.10.19, "Development standards for uses permitted on review," section 4.95, "Standards for the use-on-review approval of solid waste processing facilities," and section 6.50, "Procedure for authorizing uses permitted on review," of these regulations.


    Marinas and boat liveries, subject to the standards of section 4.30, "Standards for marina and boat livery development," of these regulations.


    Adult day care centers, provided they meet the requirements of section 4.98, "Requirements for adult day care centers, when considered as uses permitted on review."


    Indoor self-service storage facilities.

    5.60.04. Height. No building shall be built to a height exceeding thirty-five (35) feet at the required setback line, however, for each additional foot of setback from the required distance the building height for that portion of the building may be increased by one (1) foot to a maximum of seventy-five (75) feet.

    5.60.05. Lot area. No minimum lot area shall be required except as required in referenced sections.

    5.60.06. Setbacks. No building shall be located closer than fifty (50) feet to any street right-of-way line or lot line which abuts a residential or agricultural zone. Setbacks of buildings adjoining any other zoning district shall be equal to the adjoining district.

    5.60.07. Maximum lot coverage. Main and accessory buildings and loading platforms shall not cover more than fifty (50) percent of the lot area.

    5.60.08. Off-street parking. Off-street parking shall comply with the following requirements:


    All requirements set forth in section 3.50, "Off-street parking requirements," of this resolution.


    No parking areas shall be located within any required set back.


    Parking areas shall contain five hundred (500) square feet of landscaping for every twenty thousand (20,000) square feet, or fraction thereof, of paved parking area.


    For each five thousand (5,000) square feet of parking area a tree shall be provided that will obtain a minimum height of forty (40) feet at maturity.

    5.60.09. Landscaping. Ornamental vegetation shall be continually maintained in the required setbacks. In addition along all property lines adjacent to residential districts ornamental vegetation shall be provided which will reach a minimum height of fifteen (15) feet at maturity and provide cover to within one (1) foot of the ground.

    5.60.10. Signs. As permitted by section 3.90, "Signs, billboards, and other advertising structures," of this resolution.

    5.60.11. Exterior lighting. Exterior lighting of any site shall be oriented in such a manner as not to cause direct lighting to be cast onto any residentially zoned property.

    5.60.12. Utilities. All utility transmission lines serving individual uses shall be placed underground.

(Ord. No. O-96-3-101, § 1, 4-22-96; Ord. No. O-96-5-102, § 2, 6-21-96; Ord. No. O-98-10-102, § 1(Exh. A), 11-16-98; Ord. No. O-99-8-101, § 1, 9-27-99; Ord. No. O-99-9-101, § 1, 10-25-99; Ord. No. O-00-8-101, § 1(Exh. A), 9-25-00; Ord. No. O-01-2-103, § 1(Exh. A), 3-26-01; Ord. No. O-01-1-101, § 1(Exh. A), 4-23-01; Ord. No. O-09-12-101, § 1(Exh. A), 1-25-10; Ord. No. O-12-9-102, § 1(Exh. A), 10-22-12; Ord. No. O-17-10-101, § 1(Exh. A), 11-20-17 ; Ord. No. O-18-10-102, § 1(Exh. A), 11-19-18 )