§ 5.42. OC Civic and Institutional Zone.  

Latest version.
  • 5.42.01. General description. The OC, Civic and Institutional, zoning district and regulations are intended to provide a zoning classification for specified religious, governmental, recreational, and institutional uses where a separate zoning district is appropriate. These regulations are intended to minimize any conflicts or adverse impacts on other properties, public roads or facilities. Locations for civic and institutional uses should be on arterial or major collector streets.

    5.42.02. Uses permitted.


    Churches, synagogues, mosques, temples, and other similar places of worship, except as permitted under subsection 5.42.03, "Uses permitted on review."


    The following uses when they are accessory to the main uses listed above, subject to the conditions and requirements listed below: religious book stores and gift shops; health and fitness clubs, including those offering memberships to persons outside the congregation; denominational offices; food pantries; parish housing; and thrift shops and stores selling second-hand or used merchandise.


    Accessory uses shall occupy no more that forty (40) percent of the total developed floor space of the main use.


    Accessory structures and buildings shall be designed and constructed according to the regulations and requirements for area, landscaping, lighting, signage, and off-street parking described for civic and institutional uses.


    Public and private elementary and secondary schools, excluding residences.


    Private clubs, lodges, and fraternal organizations.


    Libraries, museums and art galleries.


    Local, state and federal government facilities, excluding correctional facilities.


    Public utilities.


    Philanthropic, charitable and service organizations.


    Public parks, playgrounds and recreation facilities.


    Demolition landfills less than one (1) acre in size subject to article 4, "Supplementary regulations," subsection 4.80.01.A, "Demolition landfills" (on site generated waste).


    Wireless communications facilities, subject to the provisions of article 4, section 4.92.

    5.42.03. Uses permitted on review.


    Public and private elementary and secondary schools, with residences.


    Junior colleges, colleges, universities, and business and trade schools, including residences.


    Hospitals, sanitariums and nursing homes.


    Child day care centers, provided they meet the requirements of section 4.91, "Requirements for child day care centers and group day care homes, when considered as uses permitted on review."


    Adult day care centers, provided they meet the requirements of section 4.98, "Requirements for adult day care centers, when considered as uses permitted on review."


    Assisted living facilities.


    Developments requiring waivers as allowed under the following site development standards:


    Landscaping, subsection 5.42.06, "Landscaping requirements."

    5.42.04. Area regulations.


    Height regulations.


    No building shall be built to a height exceeding forty-five (45) feet at the minimum required setback line.


    No building shall exceed a height of thirty-five (35) feet, if located within one hundred (100) feet of a residential zone. However, for each additional foot of setback from the minimum setback line, the building height may be increased by one (1) foot to a maximum of forty-five (45) feet.


    Setback requirements.


    Front yard setback: A minimum of thirty-five (35) feet.


    Side yard setback: A minimum of twenty-five (25) feet.


    Rear yard setback: A minimum of twenty-five (25) feet.


    Front, side or rear yard setback, when abutting a residential or agricultural zone: A minimum of fifty (50) feet.

    5.42.05. Maximum lot coverage. Main and accessory buildings shall not cover more than fifty (50) percent of the lot area.

    5.42.06. Landscaping requirements.


    A landscaping plan shall be submitted as a part of any application for administrative site plan approval. The following minimum standards shall apply:


    Any required yard shall be landscaped with live vegetation of a nature normally found in residential areas.


    Parking areas.


    Parking areas shall contain one thousand (1,000) square feet of landscaping for every twenty thousand (20,000) square feet, or fraction thereof, of paved parking area.


    For every five thousand (5,000) square feet of parking area, a tree shall be provided that will obtain a minimum height of forty (40) feet at maturity.


    Buffer yards.


    Within the required building setback, a buffer yard shall be established along any property line that abuts a residential or agricultural zoning district. The planning commission may waive or reduce this requirement when there is no principal residential structure within two hundred (200) feet of said property line.


    The following standards shall apply in buffer yards:

    Minimum width: Fifteen (15) feet.

    Landscaping and screening: A screen, opaque to a height of six (6) feet and consisting of any combination of a fence, wall, evergreen plants, or earth berms shall be provided in the buffer yard.


    The planning commission may approve a landscaping plan that differs from the minimum standards if the commission finds that such plan meets the intent of this section.


    The department of code administration shall verify the installation of landscaping as shown on the approved landscaping plan prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. Installation of planting materials may be delayed until the next planting season, in the event that literal compliance with the above standard would require plants to be installed at a time when they would not survive. In such cases, a certificate of occupancy can be issued prior to the installation of landscaping with the posting of a bond with the county department of engineering and public works to guarantee such installation.

    5.42.07. Lighting. Lighting of all types shall be directed away from all residential or agricultural zoning districts, or any public rights-of-way.

    5.42.08. Sign regulations. Signage shall comply with the requirements of section 3.90, "Signs, billboards, and other advertising structures," including subsection 3.90.08, "Office and Transition Zones."

    5.42.09. Off-street parking regulations. Off-street parking shall comply with the requirements of section 3.50, "Off-street parking requirements."

    5.42.10. Administration.


    For uses listed as permitted uses in the OC, Civic and Institutional zoning district, no building or structure shall be erected or altered until and unless a plan for such development has been filed with and approved by the county department of code administration. The plan shall be filed in accordance with the requirements of article 6, "Administration, enforcement and interpretation", section 6.70, "Administrative site plan review," of this zoning ordinance.


    In administratively reviewing plans for specific sites, the department of code administration shall approve any site plan that complies with the above referenced design standards and the requirements of the county zoning and subdivision regulations. Anyone aggrieved by a decision of the department of code administration may appeal such decision to the board of zoning appeals, pursuant to article 6, "Administration, enforcement and interpretation," section 6.60, "Board of zoning appeals," of these regulations.


    The metropolitan planning commission shall approve, approve with conditions, or deny applications for uses on review, as described in section 4.42.03, "Uses permitted on review," and in compliance with relevant county zoning and subdivision regulations.

(Ord. No. O-03-4-103, § 1(Exh. A), 5-27-03; Ord. No. O-04-1-102, § 1(Exh. A), 2-23-04; Ord. No. O-12-9-102, § 1(Exh. A), 10-22-12; Ord. No. O-17-10-101, § 1(Exh. A), 11-20-17 )