§ 3.70. Flood fringe area requirements.  

Latest version.
  • For the purpose of this ordinance land lying outside the F, Floodway Zones, and below the elevation of the following stream reaches as published in the 1983 Flood Insurance Study by the Federal Emergency Management Agency shall be considered subject to flood:

    3.70.01. Areas subject to flooding.

    Stream Name/Identification Stream Reach

    Stream miles
    above mouth
    Beaver Creek 0.00-43.41
    Bull Run Creek 7.30-23.50
    Fourth Creek 0.00-0.65
    French Broad River 0.00-19.11
    Grassy Creek 0.00-1.65
    Hickory Creek 0.00-5.87
    Holston River 0.00-23.10
    Knob Fork 0.00-4.02
    Love Creek 0.00-0.11
    Mill Branch 0.00-2.74
    Murphy Creek 0.00-1.13
    North Fork Beaver Creek 0.23-2.00
    Plumb Creek 0.00-1.40
    Roseberry Creek 0.00-7.38
    Sinking Creek 0.00-1.82
    Stock Creek 2.47-6.17
    Swanpond Creek 0.00-6.06
    Ten Mile Creek 0.00-5.32
    Tennessee River 610.00-646.60
    Tributary #1 to Ten Mile Creek 0.00-0.50
    Tributary #2 to Ten Mile Creek 0.00-0.43
    Tributary to Turkey Creek
     (@ mile 5.31)
    Turkey Creek 2.84-5.57
    White's Creek 1.84-3.24
    Willow Creek 0.00-2.47


    All the above mentioned stream reaches are made a part of this resolution by reference. The Flood Insurance Study shall be kept and maintained by the supervisor of code administration and inspection and shall be available for inspection and examination by members of the public at all reasonable times as any other record.

    3.70.02. Regulations for flood fringe areas. Areas lying outside the F, Floodway Zones, as shown on the zoning map of the county, but subject to flood as defined above, shall be subject to the following regulations:


    No building or structure shall be erected and no existing building or structure shall be extended or moved unless the main floor of said building or structure is placed one (1) foot above the elevation subject to flood. No basement floor or other floor shall be constructed below or at a lower elevation than the main floor. Foundations of all structures shall be designed and constructed to withstand flood conditions at the site.


    Land may be filled within these floodway fringe areas provided such fill extends twenty-five (25) feet beyond the limits of any structure erected thereon.


    Any structure proposed to be located outside the F, Floodway Zone, but within one hundred (100) feet of any main drainage channel or stream, must be approved by the county engineer. The county engineer shall determine on the basis of the area of the watershed and the probable runoff the openings needed for the stream in order to assure adequate space for the flow of floodwater, provided, however, no building shall be permitted within ten (10) feet of the top of the bank of any stream.

(Ord. No. O-12-9-102, § 1(Exh. A), 10-22-12)