§ 3.54. Storage of school buses.  

Latest version.
  • 3.54.01. General provisions. The provisions in this section apply to storage of school buses under contract to a public or private school system. Any school bus storage facility that was established prior to November 25, 1991 is hereby exempt from meeting the following requirements:


    For locations requiring use-on-review approval by MPC, the total number of buses permitted shall not exceed eight (8) per facility. Total buses at a facility include operable and inoperable buses.


    The storage area shall have direct access from a collector or arterial street.


    If there is a dwelling unit on the property, the bus storage area shall be located to the rear of the dwelling.


    The bus storage area shall be screened from view from public streets and abutting residential properties by a dense evergreen screen or other screening material. Existing vegetation, earth berms, existing buildings or existing topographic features other than those described above may be used to meet the requirements of these regulations. Evergreens planted to meet this requirement shall include evergreens planted at intervals of not less than ten (10) feet for trees and five (5) feet for shrubs, which are capable of reaching a height of eight (8) feet within two (2) years after planting. Such screen shall be maintained in good condition at all times.


    The bus storage area shall be set back from all adjacent property lines a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet. No buses or drivers' personal vehicles shall be parked within the setback area.


    A site plan reflecting the requirements included in this section shall be approved by MPC through use-on-review procedures. Such a site plan shall show a design for the parking area that avoids traffic conflicts, including buses backing into streets, and minimizes the amount of dust, exhaust fumes, noise, and other pollutants that could adversely impact adjacent properties, as well as showing specifics that meet the screening requirements specified in subsection D. of this section. Any proposed school bus storage area or an expansion of any existing bus storage facility in the A, Agricultural Zone or on a property adjacent to a residential zone must obtain use-on-review approval.


    The school bus storage area shall also comply with provisions contained in article 4, "Supplementary regulations," section 1, "Performance standards for commercial and industrial uses" and article 4, "Supplementary regulations," section 2, "Development standards for uses permitted on review" of the zoning ordinance for the county.


    In an A, Agricultural Zone, or when the subject property is adjacent to a residential or agricultural zone, no repairs or maintenance shall be performed outside of a fully enclosed building, except for routine service functions, such as tire changing, changing fluids, or similar maintenance tasks.


    Any lot in the A, Agricultural Zone, or on a property adjacent to a residential zone to be used for a bus storage facility shall be a minimum of one (1) acre. The lot must be at least one hundred twenty-five (125) feet wide at the property line fronting the access road and must also be two hundred (200) feet or more in depth.


    Storage of tires, parts, or portions of any old school buses shall be placed out of the sight of adjacent properties. Unusable tires or parts must be removed from the premises so as not to create landfill or unsightly nuisance on the storage area.


    The provisions of subsection 3.52.02, "Commercial vehicles," of the zoning ordinance for the county are not replaced by this section.

(Ord. No. O-01-1-101, § 1(Exh. A), 4-23-01; Ord. No. O-12-9-102, § 1(Exh. A), 10-22-12)